Monday 3 December 2012

A Wardmote


Having surrendered his office of Alderman of the Ward of Tower in the City of London, Sir Paul Judge, a Past Master of the Marketors, offered himself for re election and was accepted unopposed. This process was undertaken to ensure that he could accept the role of approved Aldermanic candidate for Sheriff when the election takes place on Midsummer's Day next year. This is a post that could lead to the role of Lord Mayor of London in a few years. The ceremony is called the Wardmote and is presided over by the current Lord Mayor. While less than twenty minutes long this was, never-the-less, crammed with historic references.
This ceremony took place in the charming church of St Olave's in Hart Street, one of the few surviving medieval buildings in The City of London and the burial place of Samuel Pepys. St Olave’s survives as a rare example of the medieval churches that existed before the Great Fire of London in 1666. The flames came within 100 metres or so of the building but then the wind changed direction, saving a number of churches on the eastern side of the City.

Following the departure of the Lord Mayor, the next step was for the congregation to be transported by people carriers to the Guildhall for lunch in the Alderman's Dining Room, a bright but decorative location which buzzed with bonhomie.

Lest you think it was all fun, the event was preceded and followed by a working session in the office.

John Flynn
Master Marketor 

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