Wednesday 14 November 2012

The Bellm Luncheon and Plastics


Another mixed day officially began with the Tony Bellm Luncheon in the Private Dining Room of the Guildhall. This delightful event was started ten years ago when Tony, our third Master in 1979, bequeathed to the Past Masters funds for an annual luncheon for themselves and their partners, together with their guests the Master and Mistress and the Clerk. In all twenty seven were present with nine apologies for reasons of either travelling or health. This is a particularly pleasant gathering in which there is an unwritten rule that we do not talk business, one to which we adhered - mostly. Amongst those attending I was pleased to see Past Master David Collischon in yet another of his final appearances - long may they continue.

It was then a healthy stroll from the Guildhall to the office at London Wall to sign a few papers and collect 400 Christmas cards for the Mistress and I to sign this weekend. But first to other duties and into black tie for the 15th Horners Ralph Anderson Lecture at the Royal Society of Medicine in Wimpole Street. The Worshipful Company Horners, founded in 1638 were originally workers in horn but today the Company has strong association with those working in modern plastics materials. Hence the lecture on  "The Application of Polymers in Medicine and Dentistry" given by Professor Robert G Hill. Sub titled “Polymer Prescriptions”, it was, surprisingly, a fascinating presentation covering as it did how polymer materials are used to replace hip joints, treat osteoporosis of the spine and to restore and repair damaged teeth. The following reception was great fun in that we two felt like seniors in a freshers fair being one of the longest serving Master and Mistress in the room and therefore the font of all knowledge as to what happens next. Interestingly I met with the new Master of the Basketmakers with whom I will be dining tomorrow. 

John Flynn
Master Marketor  


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