Thursday 29 November 2012

Tallow Chandler and the Ritz


During the Ironbridge Livery weekend for all 108 Livery Masters and Mistresses (see earlier blog) both groups formed a club. The first to get off the ground were the Mistresses, who last week organised tea at the Ritz, apparently a delightful event according to reports. However this week it was back to the City for Brenda and a luncheon at the Tallow Chandlers Hall at the invitation of their Mistress Mary, Lady Snyder. The event was strictly Mistresses only and so Brenda alone represented the Marketors on this occasion.

The location was fascinating in that the Hall dates back to 1672 having been re built after the Great Fire of London. However, the Tallow Chandlers, having begun about 1300, have been on this site since 1476, receiving their Livery in 1462, just beating the Wax Chandlers who received theirs in 1484. The Company's current activities include supporting a wide range of charities, with a particular emphasis on education, while also maintaining strong links with the oil and edible fats industries. 

So to the Luncheon. A crowded hall full of Masters partners, I am sure, made for some interesting conversations which were help by the guests changing seats half way through an excellent meal in order to engage with other like minded people. Obviously I can only report on what I heard, but clearly it was an excellent event.

John Flynn
Master Marketor

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