Thursday 7 July 2011

Telling Stories

It's always a great pleasure to hear an expert talk on their own subject. At the Think Tank Seminar at Cass Business School last Thursday we experienced that pleasure when Matt Kingdon the CEO and joint founder of Whatif? spent all morning talking about innovation, the Master's theme for the year. Whatif? after 19 years are now the world's largest independent innovation consultancy so we were indeed listening to an expert.
Matt started by defining innovation as 'profitable creativity' and went on to give the formula :
I+I+I =Innovation which he explained as Insight+ Ideas + Implementation =Innovation.He then went on tell a series of stories, always the best way to make your points, which exemplified the formula. Essentially what he was talking about was how leaders make innovation happen in big organisations. From Kingfisher to Google via Four Seasons to Apple he told story after story. He explained some of the unusual research techniques which Whatif? use and questions and comments flowed from the floor throughout. A lively Q and A session followed before we finished and repaired to another floor to talk on and enjoy a very good buffet lunch

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