Tuesday 11 January 2011

Thank you to the operations team - 10th January 2011

Without wishing to sound too much like a Labour politician, last night we had a reception to thank the hard-working committee members who have made so much possible during my year in office. Despite some unavoidable absences and a few last-minute cancellations for illness, forty five of us shared bubbly in the magnificent setting of the top floor of Unilever House at Victoria Embankment.

There is a Zulu word, Ubuntu, meaning, "I am who I am because of who we all are". Ubuntu is about the interconnectedness of being human and, when you have this quality, you are known for your generosity.

It is this generosity of spirit and willingness to connect with others which is characteristic of our members who volunteer for committees. And it is the activities of our committees that makes so much happen for all our members. (I am not forgetting the role of the Court members, but they had their celebration in December.)

For now, let me list the committee chairmen, to whom I owe so much:

Awards - Sue Garland Worthington, Court Assistant
Court Nominations - David Hanger, Past Master
Events - Diane Morris, Liveryman
Fellowship - Michael Bedingfield, Court Assistant
Finance - Jim Surguy, Senior Warden
Freedom - Roddy Mullin. Junior Warden-elect
Heritage - John Freeman, Liveryman
Livery - Mike Jones, Court Assistant
Outreach - Michael Harrison, Court Assistant
PR and Communications - Peter Rees, Court Assistant
Regimental and Cadets Liaison - Steven Rowe, Liveryman
Think Tank - David Hanger, Past Master
and, while not a committee of the Marketors, the Chairman of the Marketors' Trust - Trevor Brignall, Court Assistant.

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