Tuesday 11 January 2011

Gold & Silver Wyre Drawers do it standing up - 10th January 2011

The new Master of the Gold & Silver Wyre Drawers is installed at a Common Hall meeting (i.e. all members of the company can be present) held in Vintners' Hall. Privy Council-like, all stand for the half hour ceremony.

The Master and the newest Warden each swear the most stringent oath that I have heard: not only do they undertake to uphold the rules of the Company, defend its members from all assaults of their enemies and keep safe its assets (gold, silver, wyres and 'stuff') but they make what would now be called an ethics commitment - not to favour any person for reasons of personal gain, favouritism, friendship etc.

17th century language it may have been, but its relevance today remains unquestionable.

I was fortunate to witness how another company conducts its ceremonial as a personal guest of the outgoing Master, John Edgcumbe. The company welcomed its many guests with great warmth and kindness.

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